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Reliability and Operational Performance of Electric Power Systems

Reliability and Operational Performance of Electric Power Systems

Power, Utility & Energy

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
- Determine the most important areas of power systems that need probabilistic modelling and evaluation assessment
- Understand the main features of the computational methods that are available for the reliability modelling
- Understand the main reliability indices that need be calculated for the quantification of load point and system performance
- Carry out practical reliability assessment studies
- Compare and justify alternative schemes for power system reinforcement


Day 1: General Aspects Day 2: Transmission System Assessment Day 3: Generation System Assessment Day 4: Assessment of Composite Generation and Transmission Systems Day 5: Distribution System Assessment- Application of simulation computational approaches


This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. These mainly include appropriate Power Point slides that have efficiently been developed in order to contain all the necessary information being required for the complete knowledge of the respective theoretical and practical subjects. Appropriate examples are also given so that the main points of each topic are better understood. A set of notes containing all the slides of the presentations will be available together with an extended list of references (books, papers, technical reports, etc).


5 Days




On premises; online; others

Reliability and Operational Performance of Electric Power Systems
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