Professional Management Consultants International, LLC
Your partners towards continual improvement

Refinery System Process Analysis and Testing Using Agent Based Simulation
Oil & Gas
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
- Learn the concepts and methods of selecting feed stocks and product slates
- Understand the capabilities of AnyLogic as multi-method simulation tool
- Acquire the knowledge to consider the refinery as a system, not a sum off its parts
- Incorporate optimizing models into a simulation package
- Create and run simulations of complex systems
- Harness the possibilities of testing change options in virtual environment
Day 1: Refinery Process
Day 2: Multi-method Simulation
Day 3: Petroleum Refinery Planning
Day 4: Planning Under Uncertainty for a Single Refinery
Day 5: Integration with Petrochemical Supply Chain
This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes presentation of theoretical concepts, video lectures and many exercises that will be done through the guided work of the delegates themselves. The delegates will use free Personal Learning Edition AnyLogic software to create models and define and select statistics.
5 Days
On premises; online; others