Professional Management Consultants International, LLC
Your partners towards continual improvement
Geographical and Mapping Information Management System
Civil Engineering
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
- Gain knowledge in managing a GIS Project in all its phases: User Needs Survey, Needs Assessment, Database Design, System Design, Data Conversion, Application Development, and Training.
- Get hands on experience in managing a GIS project
- Acquire all skills needed to prepare a GIS project documentation such as request for proposal, proposal, and various project deliverable documentations.
- Better understand the issues of staffing and budgeting, team work, and consultant-client relationship through real world case studies
Day 1: Bidding a GIS project
Day 2: Implementing the Project
Day 3: Evaluation and Documentation
Day 4: Introduction to GIS
Day 5: Data sources of GIS
This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes formal lectures and interactive worked examples included in several workshops. Presented also will be several illustrative and instructive videos. The emphasis in the seminar will be on the explanation of all technical points and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday industrial practice related to operation and maintenance, as well as repair and alterations of industrial heating equipment
5 Days
On premises; online; others