Professional Management Consultants International, LLC
Your partners towards continual improvement

Human Resources
Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource. Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.
Help senior management to identify the manpower requirements in order to meet the organization's long-term business plans and strategic goals.

PMCi Approach

PMCi Approach

PMCi Approach/Roadmap

PMCi Approach
Our Approach:
Organizational Objectives and Plans
Forecasting of Manpower Requirement
Preparation of Manpower Inventory
Identification of Manpower Gap
Action Plans for Bridging the Gap
Why PMCi?
Qualified and trained Consultants with wide range of experience with different types of sectors (consultant and Auditors eyes).
Wide range of client data base allows us to benchmark the service locally and internationally in order to provide the best quality of service.
Strong relationships with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who can be utilized for the benefit of the client.

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