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Food Safety Management

Food Safety Management

Health, Safety & Security

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
- Set up the HACCP team that has the knowledge and experience to develop and implement an effective HACCP system in his/her organisation
- Perform the hazard analysis in order to determine the preventive measures necessary to reduce the risk within acceptable levels
- Perform the categorization into Operational Prerequisite Programs (OPRPs) and Critical Control Points (CCPs)
- Design and implement monitoring systems aiming at controlling and improving the food safety management system
- Evaluation and improvement of logistics in accordance with the requirements of legislation and international food safety standards


Day 1: Introduction to and Basic Definitions of Food Safety Management Systems
Day 2: Review of ISO 22000 Main Chapters
Day 3: Documentation Requirements for ISO 22000, Management Review, Human Resources
Day 4: Planning and Realization of Safe Products
Day 5: Validation, Verification and Improvement of the Food Safety Management System


This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The training course will be presented on a highly interactive basis, prompting delegates to engage in discussions involving their personal experience. It will also include case studies, short films, and group exercises.


5 Days




On premises; online; others

Food Safety Management
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